
Philadelphia Sculpture Gym

Installation shot of Are We There Yet? during November's exhibition at the Philadelphia Sculpture Gym. Below is an excerpt from a review of the show.

Least like anything else in the show, but very much worthy of attention is “Are We There Yet?” by Shane Darwent. Three highway signs intersect with one another in a convoluted conversation revolving around transportation, place, journeys and their ultimate destinations. This piece is rather confusing, and the signs are largely unreadable in their present configuration. It is possible to read “Scenic Overlook” and “Sunset Point” through the jumble, but from the seat of a quick-moving vehicle, it would be next to futile. What is the role of signs if they can’t be read? Why doesn’t life come complete with signs that help us on our way, even if they are difficult to read? On second thought, who’s to say that it doesn’t? Formed from wood that now greatly resembles metal, these converging directions offer us little practical help, but plenty of existential fodder to reconcile.

Click here for the entire article.

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