
Picture me Rollin'

Amish Country, PA

I was graced by this scene last summer while traveling from Brooklyn to Columbia, Missouri where I was mounting an exhibition. My ride was not so stylish but debatably as nuanced. It was a brand new rental car, with technology that prevented me from driving faster than 75 mph. Once I approached 70 it would beep and warn me of my increasing speed. I decided just to blast the radio via the advanced crazy touch screen display and drown out the beeping, only to realize that the radio too, had a volume control built in, preventing me from rocking too hard. 

I'll bet whoever was in this horse and buggy was humming a sweet tune as they bound past this intersection - an abandoned gas station across the street from a sprawling truck stop. The shutter of jake brakes silenced by the consistent trodding of hooves. 

Old Gulf Station - Amish Country, PA

Truck Stop - Amish Country, PA

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