
the universe is telling me sumthin

Well folks, I will try to remain humble in my near ecstatic excitement. Last Friday, July 2nd, I was checking my email in the very same grocery store that my photographs still hang, the store that has switched from a locally owned Greenlife to that not so local WholeFoods in the time of my work being up, and received some pretty good news. All of the residencies, grants, and shows that I read rejection letters for this spring seem as if they were obstacles just to toughen my skin and refine my words and keep at it, for I have just been awarded something that has made me quickly forget those lame and apologetic emails. Through the CreateHere organization here in Chattanooga I was given a MakeWork project grant for $8,700.

The project is the same one that I have been using this blog to refine and is work created from and inspired by the 20,000 plus miles I traveled throughout the good ole US of A last year. In my application, I asked for money to publish a compilation of the photographs and stories through a self published venue. I asked for money so that I could purchase the tools I need to continue framing my own work so that I wouldn't have to borrow them each time. And lastly, and seemingly the most crazy, I asked for money to pay myself so that I could work on this project to make my upcoming shows as stout as they can be...

"Well Shane," my boss Andy said in his best California throwback slang, "...the unviverse is telling you something bro."

Below are the pics I sent as a part of my application

1 comment:

MB said...

ROCK ON! proud of you and excited for you! you've been places and you're gonna go places, no doubt.