

Been working like a dog. Boss won't give me a break. Fucking jerk that guy. I'd steal all of his beer if I hadn't paid for it already.

So I've 4 more days left to finish up this sculpture I have been full steam ahead on for about a month. I can see the finish but the lead up to it will be close because otherwise it wouldn't be so damn exciting. And so with a few more late nights to come, I will pause to present the "POW" shape. The sunken center of the installation, it is part explosion, part fallen star, part time capsule to or from the future. Here it is in the process of adding the edge, complete with a true "inside" glimpse at my letter to the cosmos.


Luke Padgett said...


Elspeth Schulze said...

yessirree! the pow of this and the to come is lookin good, darlin- may the shades of white continue to flow smoothly...

Stevetx said...

POW WOW! Hope your boss doesn't read this post. Good luck with your show.